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Spark Award 2014

The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements"
The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements".

 (video, 10.03.2014)

Patent: Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements


  • July 2014: We are happy that Reto Pfenninger continues as a PhD student in our group after sucessfully finishing his master thesis.
  • Announcement: Prof. Rupp will give her introductory lecture on April 22nd 2013.

  • Welcome to our new PhD student Yanuo Shi and our new intern Gustav Schiefler

  • Welcome to our new PhDs Sebastian Schweiger and Felix Messerschmitt

  • August, 1st 2012
    Start of the Electrochemical Materials group

Inaugural Lecture


Prof. Jennifer Rupp: Nano-Elektronik und -Ionik: Memristive Speicher und Energie Konversion (video, 08.02.2013)

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