Electrochemical Materials

News & Events

Spark Award 2014

The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements"
The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements".

 (video, 10.03.2014)

Patent: Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements


  • July 2014: We are happy that Reto Pfenninger continues as a PhD student in our group after sucessfully finishing his master thesis.
  • Announcement: Prof. Rupp will give her introductory lecture on April 22nd 2013.

  • Welcome to our new PhD student Yanuo Shi and our new intern Gustav Schiefler

  • Welcome to our new PhDs Sebastian Schweiger and Felix Messerschmitt

  • August, 1st 2012
    Start of the Electrochemical Materials group

Inaugural Lecture


Prof. Jennifer Rupp: Nano-Elektronik und -Ionik: Memristive Speicher und Energie Konversion (video, 08.02.2013)

12. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

Yanuo Shi, the third PhD student of the group, has defended his PhD. Congratulations!

11. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

We are excited that Sebastian Schweiger has successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Sebastian, you earned it!

11. 2016, ZENO KARL SCHINDLER Foundation

Congratulations to Maximilian Jansen, who was awarded the ZENO KARL SCHINDLER Foundation Master Thesis Grant to carry out research for his Master Thesis in the group of Prof. Bilge Yildiz at MIT.

10. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

Congratulations to Felix Messerschmitt for successfully defending his PhD.

10. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

Prof. Jennifer Rupp has been interviewed by several news outlets to give her expertise regarding the latest news on exploding Li-Ion batteries.

- NZZ am Sonntag

- Der Standard

- Aargauer Zeitung

- Tagblatt

- Blick

- 20 Minuten

- Der Landbote

- Bluewin

- Die Presse

- Kronenzeitung

- Le Matin

- Basellandschaftliche Zeitung

- Südostschweiz

- Romandie

- Tribune de Genève

- RTS info

- RSI news

09. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

Farewell to Dr. Iñigo Garbayo, who is moving to the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) in Barcelona, Spain. The team of Electrochemical Materials wishes you all the best for your future, Iñigo!

08. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

A recent publication on solid state Li batteries by Jan van den Broek, Semih Afyon and Jennifer L.M. Rupp has been featured on ETH News.

07. 2016, ISSFIT-12

Congratulations to Rafael Schmitt, Roman Korobko and Jonathan Spring for receiving the poster award at ISSFIT-12 in Kaunas, Lithuania, 2016.

06. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

Sören Boyn, a new Postdoc, started at Electrochemical Materials.

05. 2016, Zuger Stiftung für Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft

Jan van den Broek was awarded the second prize at the Zuger Wissenschaftspreis for his Master Thesis "All-solid-state Li-ion Batteries Based on Garnet-type Fast Li-ion Conductor LLZO". Congratulations, Jan!

05. 2016, E-MRS

Congratulations to Rafael Schmitt for receiving the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Young Scientist Award at the 2016 E-MRS Spring Meeting in Lille, France.

05. 2016, SCNAT and Knud Højgaard Fond

Congratulations to Alexander Bork for receiving two travel awards: the 2016 Chemistry Travel Award by the Swiss Academy of Science (SCNAT), the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) and the Swiss Society for Food Chemistry (SSFC) and a travel grant from the Knud Højgaard Fond.

04. 2016, Electrochemical Materials

The team of Electrochemical Materials says farewell to Dr. Semih Afyon, who will leave the group to start his own group as Assistant Professor at the Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey. Congratulations and all the best for your future, Semih!

03. 2016, Master Thesis available

New master thesis available: "Uncovering Magnetic-Field Coupled Resistive Switching in Ferrimagnetic Insulators for Novel Devices".

02.2016, Electrochemical Materials

Philipp Simons, a new PhD student started at Electrochemical Materials.

02.2016, Electrochemical Materials

Electrochemical Materials keeps growing. Today two new postdocs, Alfonso Carrillo and Andreas Nenning started. Within the Lithuanian-Swiss we are also happy to have Prof. Tomas Salkus and Vilma Venckute as guests in our group.

01.2016, Hans-Eggenberger Stiftung

The Hans-Eggenberger Prize 2015 for Interdisciplinary Electronic Engineering was awarded to Reto Pfenninger for his work on strained memristor micro-dot fabrication. Congratulations to Reto being the first Swiss material scientist to receive this prestigeous award.


We are very happy to announce that our proposal for a joint Lithuanian-Siwss Programme on "Broadband impedance study of memristor oxide" films got accepted. 

10.2015, ACS & SNF

A new paper by Markus Kubicek was published. "Uncovering Two Competing Switching Mechanisms for Epitaxial and Ultrathin Strontium" Titanate-Based Resistive Switching Bits
Media Coverage:
Swiss National Science Foundation
IEEE Spectrum
New Electronics

09.2015, Electrochemical Materials:

We are very delighted to have our Raman Microscope sucessfully installed. We are looking forward to work with this great new tool.

07.2015, Electrochemical Materials:

July 2015: Two new papers are available online: One from the
Memristive Information Storage and Logics group: "How does Moisture affect the Physical Property of Memristance for Anionic-Electronic Resistive Switching Memories?" and also the first publication of the Solar-to-Fuel Conversion Reactor Materials team: "Perovskite La0.6Sr0.4Cr1-xCoxO3-δ Solid Solutions for Solar-Thermochemical Fuel Production: Strategies to Lower the Operation Temperature".

06.2015, SRF:

The "Memristive Information Storage and Logics"-Team is featured in SRF's Einstein's TV report on new memory technologies.

06.2015, Nature Publishing Group

Congratulations to Yanuo Shi, Alexander Bork and Sebastian Schweiger to their Nature Materials article and July cover: ""The effect of mechanical twisting on oxygen ionic transport in solid-state energy conversion membranes". Their article was also selected as cover for the June issues of Nature Materials.
Media coverage:
ETH News Article

03.2015, EURASC

Prof. Jennifer Rupp was reelected as a member of the European Academy of Science. Congratulations!

02.2015, CNN

CNN's "Make Discover Innovate" features Electrochemical Material's Memristive Information Storage and Logics research!

01.2015, Electrochemical Materials

Dr. Semih Afyon's latest paper on new High Capacity Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Li-ion Batteries also got media coverage on 20 Minuten and Blick am Abend.

11.2014, Electrochemical Materials

November 2014: Dr. Roman Korobko from Weizmann Institue of Science started at Electrochemical Materials.11.2014, Swiss National Science Foundation

11.2014, Swiss National Science Foundation

Jennifer Rupp, Professor for Electrochemical Materials in ETHZ's Department of Materials (D-MATL) received a SNSF starting grant to continue the work on Memristive Information Storage and Logics. The career grant funds the project “Beyond von-Neuman computing – Materials Functionalization and Integration of Threedimensionally stacked Multiterminal Memristive Oxides Replacing Existing Transistors for Neuromorphic Computing”.

press coverage

11.2014, Electrochemical Materials

Two book chapters by Prof. Jennifer Rupp were published. "Elektrochemische Materialforschung für die Energiewende" in "Energie im Wandel" and "Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Introduction" in the Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry.

10.2014, Electrochemical Materials

Welcome to Dr. Inigo Garbayo from Spain who joins our group as a PostDoc.

09.2014, World Economic Forum

Prof. Jennifer Rupp gives a talk at the WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China titled "Discover! New Material Science" on the change of the energy landscape and also on memristor information storage and logic materials and devices. Furthermore, she also participated in several panel discussions. ETH Globe article

08.2014, World Economic Forum

Prof. Jennifer Rupp was nominated as one of the top 40 international scientists under the age of 40 to speak at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Tianjin, China on new innovative Materials and Devices for Global Energy Challenges.

08.2014, Electrochemical Materials

We are happy to announce that the paper "Memristor Kinetics and Diffusion Characteristics for Mixed Anionic-Electronic SrTiO3-δ: The Memristor-based Cottrell Analysis Connecting Material to Device Performance" has been accepted and selected as VIP paper by Advanced Functional Materials (<5% of printed papers) for publication in Advanced Functional Materials.

04.2014, Electrochemical Materials

New Publication: A Micro-Dot Multilayer Oxide Device: Let’s Tune the Strain-Ionic Transport Interaction

03.2014, ETHZ

The team of Electrochemical Materials receives the Spark Award 2014 by ETH Zurich. The prize stands for the most innovative and economically important Invention of the year 2013 and was selected for a patent among 170 inventions at ETH. The price was award for their invention of a new memtistive memory storage concept based on strain-defect oxide engineering. In particular, the PhDs Sebastian Schweiger and  Felix Messerschmitt are congratulated for their success! A video showing the invention can be found here.

02.2014, Alstom

The Electrochemical Materials Team receives the Alstom Energy Seed Fund for their new project "All Ceramic Li+ Batteries with high Thermal Operation Window".

01.2014, Electrochemical Materials

New Publication: Scalable Oxygen-Ion Transport Kinetics in Metal-Oxide Films: Impact of Thermally Induced Lattice Compaction in Acceptor Doped Ceria Films

08.2013, Electrochemical Materials

We are happy to announce that a new PhD student, Rafael Schmitt, starts at Electrochemical Materials.

07.2013, Electrochemical Materials

Today two new members join our Team. Welcome to Dr. Rahul Fotedar and Dr. Markus Kubick. Furthermore, three new students started in our group.

04.2013, EURASC

The second Kepler workshop, organized by the 2012 award winners (Jennifer L.M. Rupp, Cecilia Solis, Redel Engelbert, Emiliana Fabbri, Mónica Burriel) is dedicated to the field "New (nano-) materials in energy technology" and will take place at the premises of the EnMat II conference in Karlsruhe (Germany) on 13th, 14th and 15th May 2013.

02.2013, Electrochemical Materials

Electrochemical Materials has launched a collaboration with eZelleron GmbH in the field of fuel cells.

eZelleron is an innovative start-up company based in Dresden. The company has been developing low-emission energy sources for mobile power supplies since 2008.

01.2013, Electrochemical Materials

Prof. Jennifer Rupp will give her Introductory lectures (Einführungsvorlesung) on the 22nd of April, 2013.

Location: ETH Zurich, main campus HG F 30

Starting time: 17:15

The title of the lecture is:

Nano-Elektronik und -Ionik: Memristive Speicher und Energie Konversion
The lecture will be given in german.

01.2013, Electrochemical Materials

Electrochemical Materials is growing. Today 2 new team members started at our group. We are very happy to welcome PhD student Yanuo Shi and intern Gustav Schiefler.

10.2012, EURASC

We proudly announce that Prof. Jennifer Rupp received the KEPLER PRIZE 2012 of the European Academy of Sciences. The prize was awarded for her work in the field of NEW (NANO-)MATERIALS IN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY. This award is granted to an international team of highly talented young scientist to strengthen research crossing the borders of disciplines and states.

The prize was also awarded to Monica Burriel, Emiliana Fabbri, Engelbert Redel and Cecilia Solis.

05.2012, ETH Rat

Dr. Jennifer Rupp (*1980), senior scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA, and guest professor at Kyushu University, Japan, was appointed as Assistant Professor (SNF) of Electrochemical Materials. Jennifer Rupp obtained her doctorate from ETH Zurich. She researches electric and dielectric properties of complex metal oxides in the form of thin films with potential application for data in miniaturised switching elements or fuel cells. With the appointment of Jennifer Rupp, ETH Zurich is further expanding its globally acknowledged leading position in the research of non-metallic, inorganic materials.

02.2012, Swiss National Science Foundation

The Swiss National Science Foundation has now awarded 41 SNSF Professorships in the 13th call, 2012, to promising young researchers who have proved to be of exceptional scientific ability. SNSF Professorships are competitive and evaluated among all disciplines, i.e. physical science, life science, medical science and social science.

Prof. Jennifer Rupp received the SNSF Professorship for the project: ”Redox-based Resistive Switching for Non-Volatile Memories”.


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