Electrochemical Materials

Open Source

Spark Award 2014

The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements"
The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements".

 (video, 10.03.2014)

Patent: Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements


  • July 2014: We are happy that Reto Pfenninger continues as a PhD student in our group after sucessfully finishing his master thesis.
  • Announcement: Prof. Rupp will give her introductory lecture on April 22nd 2013.

  • Welcome to our new PhD student Yanuo Shi and our new intern Gustav Schiefler

  • Welcome to our new PhDs Sebastian Schweiger and Felix Messerschmitt

  • August, 1st 2012
    Start of the Electrochemical Materials group

Inaugural Lecture


Prof. Jennifer Rupp: Nano-Elektronik und -Ionik: Memristive Speicher und Energie Konversion (video, 08.02.2013)

The group of Electrochemical Materials offers in-house programmed software on scientific problems and controlling of test equipment OPEN SOURCE to other users.

Modifications, suggestions and updates by other users are appreciated, please contact: Alexander Bork


MATLAB Code: Computing Strain State changes in Electro-Chemo-Mechanics to Control Oxygen Ionic Transport for Solid State Energy Conversion Membranes

Programmer: A. H. Bork

Publication co-authors: Y. Shi, S. Schweiger, J.L.M. Rupp

The software included in the archive enables the user to compute local curvature or strain distribution from a data set with optical height profile measurements given as a .txt input file. The program was used to give insights on the buckling behavior of µSOFC membranes and it is featured in the article Twisting Electro-Chemo-Mechanics to Control Oxygen Ionic Transport in Solid State Energy Conversion Membranes Y. Shi, A.H. Bork, S. Schweiger and J.L.M. Rupp, Nature Materials, 14, 721 (2015)

a) Optical profilometer measurement of a free-standing ionic conducting Ce0
a) Optical profilometer measurement of a free-standing ionic conducting Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9-x electrolyte film. Height profile is given as a text file. b) Corresponding computed local curvature and strain distribution. Here k and ε denote curvature and strain respectively.

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