Electrochemical Materials

Raman Microscopy Workshop

Spark Award 2014

The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements"
The team of Electrochemical Material won the Spark Award 2014 for their patent "Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements".

 (video, 10.03.2014)

Patent: Strained Multilayer Resistive-switching Memory Elements


  • July 2014: We are happy that Reto Pfenninger continues as a PhD student in our group after sucessfully finishing his master thesis.
  • Announcement: Prof. Rupp will give her introductory lecture on April 22nd 2013.

  • Welcome to our new PhD student Yanuo Shi and our new intern Gustav Schiefler

  • Welcome to our new PhDs Sebastian Schweiger and Felix Messerschmitt

  • August, 1st 2012
    Start of the Electrochemical Materials group

Inaugural Lecture


Prof. Jennifer Rupp: Nano-Elektronik und -Ionik: Memristive Speicher und Energie Konversion (video, 08.02.2013)

We would like to invite you to our workshop on:

RAMAN MICROSCOPY - A strong tool for chemical imaging.

>> February 3–5, 2016

>> ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus

3 day workshop given by PhDs for PhDs working in the field of Raman Spectroscopy.

The aim of this workshop is to create a strong network of active researchers working with Raman Spectroscopy and to gain further insights into the various techniques and applications of this method in the broad field of materials science.

In the field of materials research and characterization, Raman Spectroscopy, with its various specifications like near field techniques (SERS, TERS) and in combination with non-chemical characterization methods (SEM, AFM) finds various applications.

Bringing together researchers from different groups and with different backgrounds in this broad and diverse field will strengthen collaborative research and exchange of ideas.

This workshop will include hands-on sessions, with a practical guidance and time for detailed questions concerning measurement setups, as well as multivariate data analysis for additional support.

This workshop is designed for PhD students and researchers who actively use Raman Spectroscopy to address a scientific problem.



ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg Campus (detailed information will follow)


For further information please send us an email:

Organizing Team:

Jana Segmehl & Kirstin Casdorff (Wood Materials Science, ETH Zurich; Wood Materials Lab, Empa)

& Sebastian Schweiger (Electrochemical Materials, ETH Zurich)

We are looking forward to an interesting workshop!


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